North Port, FL
Light of Day Wellness offers the following services at discounted rates for private residents.
Personal Fitness Training
Lifestyle & Weight Loss Management Programs
Small Group Fitness Training Classes
Senior Fitness Programming
Post Physical Therapy Exercise
Stress Reduction & Relaxation
Personalized "Do it on your own" Exercise Programming
(for those who like to work out on their own)
Small Group Fitness Training Sessions
Total Body Fitness Sessions
Tuesdays 10:30am -11:30am
Thursday's 10:30am -11:30am
(You may select to do both days)
Classes held weekly. Registration is Required.
Location: Social Hall
Fee: ​$10 per session
Limited to 15 participants.
Sessions are booked in monthly packages.
Going away or you may miss a class?
No problem, only pay for the sessions you can attend.
You will need: Water, Towel, and a set of 2, 3, 4 or 5lb set of weights.
2lbs recommended for beginners, 4-5lbs advanced.
The benefits of Total Body Fitness include:
- Toning your muscles to lose body fat
- Improve your cardiovascular system
- Strengthen and lengthen your core and abdominals
- Boost balance and coordination
- Gain flexibility
To reserve your spot, Call / Text Deanna at 941-218-7887, complete my contact form or email me at LightofDayWellness@gmail.com. Please provide your name, phone number and email address and subject "Total Body Fitness at Cypress Falls".
Once I have received your registration request you will receive an email with further instructions within 48 hours confirming your registration and how to make your payment.

Fitness Center Orientations
Weight & Cardio Machines Group Orientation
Equipment orientations are held each month in the Cypress Falls Fitness Center free of charge.
Sessions are about 1 hour. We will go through the weight machines and
cardiovascular machines to teach safety and provide you with a starting point for your workout.
We will go over proper usage, weight, and seat settings for the machines. Registration is required.
Fee: Free *Registration Required*
Phase 1:
The first phase of orientation will take you through most machines, one for each muscle group to
provide a full body workout routine.
Phase 2:
Phase 2 sessions are for those who have already completed Phase 1 and will focus on
the remaining machines in the facility.
Please contact Deanna or Susan Darcy for this months training days and times.
* Personal Orientation Appointment: You may schedule a private session if you prefer
more guidance and detailed instruction. Fee: $50
To reserve your spot for Group or book a personal orientation session, Call / Text Deanna at 941-218-7887 or complete my contact form or email me at lightofdaywellness@gmail.com. Please provide your name, phone number and email address and subject "Fitness Orientation at Cypress Falls"

Cable Cross Over Machine Orientation
Personal Orientation Session with Workout Guide
One Hour Personal Training Session to learn the workout. Includes a Full- Body Workout Routine Guide so you may continue on your own. Fee $55
The Cable Cross Over Machine offers a variety of exercises to enhance & improve any traditional workout.
Some benefits are:
It Does Everything. No joke. It's like a one-stop shop to work all your muscles!
​Spend Less Time in the Gym. Because you can work every muscle in your body in multiple ways, you can save time!
Get the Best of Both Worlds. The Cable machine falls between using Weight Machines and Using Free Weights. It’s not too easy and it’s not too hard. It is doable by all fitness levels.
Work Your Body Unilaterally. Unilaterally means if you isolate one side of the body at a time, you can ensure balanced muscular development between both sides of the body. This helps balance our dominant side and weaker side.
Challenge Your Core. Activates your core muscles (abs, lower back, hips and obliques) more. Machines support and isolate you, when you have to do this on your own with form you get a better workout and possibly better results, too!
Make Old Exercises New Again. Take all the weight machine exercises and do them on the cable. A whole new workout!
To book a personal Cable Session, Call / Text Deanna at 941-218-7887 or complete my contact form or email me at lightofdaywellness@gmail.com. Please provide your name, phone number and email address and subject "Cable Cross Over Machine Orientation"
Personal Training & Private Group Fitness Training
Below are the fees for Cypress Falls Residents.
Packages may be customized if needed to meet your needs.
Train in the Fitness Center or the privacy of your home.
For more detailed information on my Training Services and type
of Training options offered visit my Fitness Training Page.
​Initial Consultation: (60-minutes) $40
​Personal One-Hour Sessions
Introduction - First 2 Sessions $119
Once you complete 2 one-hour sessions you may proceed
with half hour sessions.
Personal Half-Hour Sessions
$35/per session up to Five sessions
$32/per session for Six or more sessions
For more information or to book a consultation, Call / Text Deanna at 941-218-7887 or complete my contact form or email me at lightofdaywellness@gmail.com. Please provide your name, phone number and email address and subject "Personal Training at Cypress Falls"

Lifestyle & Weight Loss Management Program
As a Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Specialist, I will guide you on a whole new journey to gaining control of your weight. I will help you achieve your goals using the latest proven strategies. For more detailed information, please visit my Weight Loss Page.
Stress Reduction, Relaxation & Meditation
Personal sessions are available. Please call for more information.
Programs for Post Physical Therapy & Medical Conditions/Ailments
Suffer from medical conditions or ailments or both? I can design a personal program for you so you can manage and improve your condition. Some include, knee, low back, Fibromyalgia, MS, shoulder and neck and cancer to name a few.
We can meet for personal sessions or I can provide you with routines to do on your own.
Fee: Packages vary based on custom design. Consultation is preferred.
Personalized Fitness "On Your Own" Program Design
If you prefer to workout on your own but you are not sure what to do or where to start, than my “On Your Own Program" is for you. With this program you would meet with me for a few personal sessions to learn your workouts. These will be “instructional” sessions. I will design workouts that you will learn under my supervision to ensure you are performing your exercises properly and safely. I will provide you with written instructions to refer to on your own. This program offers you the opportunity to learn how to train your body both safely and effectively. It is also available for stretching and flexibility programs.
Fee: Based on a package purchase and how many workouts you would like. Packages can range from $99 - $375. Package price includes the personal instructional sessions. Packages vary based on custom design. Consultation is preferred.
For more information or to book a consultation, Call / Text Deanna at 941-218-7887 or complete my contact form or email me at lightofdaywellness@gmail.com. Please provide your name, phone number and email address.